What is Reflection, Transmission and Echo? Laws Of Sound

Reflection, Transmission and Echo

Let us suppose you're standing at the peak of a mountain and yell Hello!!! at intervals a second, you'll hear your voice back reechoing within the manner Hello!! Hello!! Hello!! this can be what precisely echo is. It reflects back to you. allow us to study this intimately.

Reflection of Sound

Why can we invariably want an outsized space to envision reflections? once the sounds travel through a precise medium, it strikes the surface of different medium and bounces back to its original medium that's the initial medium. this can be what reflection of sound is. the sole demand for the reflection of the undulation is that the reflective surface should be larger than the wavelength of the wave. Reflection of the undulation is seen in echoes, megaphone, acoustic device etc.

 Laws of Reflection of Sound

  •   Associate in Nursing angle of incidence is capable the angle of reflection.
  •   Incident wave mirrored wave and traditional at the purpose of incidence, all exist constant          plane.

Reflection of Sound may be applied in:

             Sound manufacturing devices use a cone-shaped} shape like megaphones to extend the intensity of sound waves particularly directions.

             In medical instrument, sound undergoes multiple reflections within the wires of the medical instrument.

             Curved ceilings of halls use soundboards to equally distribute the sound across the hall.

Transmission of Sound

Every sound is made by the vibration. Vibration is nothing however the rear and forth movement of the item. however will the sound energy travel? does one surprise however that works? Sound energy travels within the style of sound waves.  Sound waves travel all told directions. In solids, the particles square measure terribly on the brink of the opposite one. Sound energy moves mutually particle hit another particle. Here sound travels at a really high speed. In liquids, the particles square measure at a distance, therefore it takes longer to travel. In gas, the particles square measure unfolded. Here the speed of the sound energy is that the slowest.


Every one should have detected of the word echo. Echo is essentially a sound detected when the sound is mirrored back once the particular sound has stopped. therefore the echo is that the results of reflection. If we would like to listen to Associate in Nursing echo, we tend to cannot screw in a very tiny space, we want an outsized space. after we shout in a very giant or vacant area, the sound is mirrored back.

Suppose you're standing before of a high wall and clap your hand, you'll hear constant sound of the clap back once more. this can be Associate in Nursing echo. Associate in Nursing echo is detected once the space between the person manufacturing sound and also the rigid obstacle is long enough to permit the mirrored sound to achieve the person least zero.1 seconds when the initial sound is detected. Otherwise, the echo isn't distinguished even on reaching the ears. This price may be calculated and comes intent on be seventeen.2 m for air and seventy m for water.Whenever echo is to be detected the time between 2 objects or body or points ought to be zero.1 sec.

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