What is Gravitational Potential Energy?

Gravitational Potential Energy

Assume you are driving a vehicle and there is a slope, you back off or stop due to the lofty street. Where does the energy go? The response to this that the energy transforms into gravitational potential energy. Give us a chance to investigate increasingly about Gravitational Potential Energy.

Gravitational Potential Energy

Gravitational Potential is the work done per unit mass to convey that body from vastness to that point. It is spoken to by V. SI unit of gravitational potential is J/Kg. It is the potential body emerging out of the power of gravity. In the event that due to the power, on the off chance that the position changes, at that point the adjustment in the potential energy is the work done on the body by the power.

The most widely recognized utilization of gravitational potential energy is for an item close to the outside of the Earth where the gravitational acceleration is a steady at about 9.8 m/s².

Articulation of Gravitational Potential Energy

Case 1. 'g' is Steady

Think about this picture of the earth. Expect an article at point An and later it moves to point B. Along these lines, for this situation, the work done is power × removal.

WBA = Power × removal

Power is only the gravitational power applied by the earth. The stature of point A from the outside of the earth is h2 and that of point B is h1

WBA = mg ( h2– h1) = mg h2 – mg h1

the work done in moving the item is the distinction in its potential energy between its last and introductory position.

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